SlowLife Experiences

Immerse yourself in an inspiring moment of SlowLife in a space curated personally just for you or your group. Rediscover your capacity for slowness and learn the tools to incorporate this in daily life. For any of these experiences I invite you to contact me so I can tailor this special moment for you. The SlowLife Experiences can be held in English, French, German, Italian and Russian.

Zen Superwoman

In this interactive conference I will guide you in a series of calming SlowLife Yoga movements that every Superwoman deserves to relieve the tension built up from wearing so many hats and juggling so many responsibilities, all with an attitude of perfection.

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In the hills

In this Experience you will enjoy a private one to one SlowLife moment where you are collected from the centre of Florence and brought to my villa in the beautiful Tuscan countryside. In summer we enjoy the tranquillity of my garden while in winter we practise by a roaring log fire.

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At the Museo

Give yourself a new way to enjoy the museums of Florence through an of slowness. You will fully engage with the masterpieces in a way that you can rest in their beauty.  I invite you to put yourself in my hands and enjoy this moment of contemplation, meditation and relaxation.

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La Dolce Vita

I welcome you for a pampering Experience of 2 or 3 days where you will enjoy not only SlowLife Yoga in the morning and the evening, beautiful meditative walks in the Tuscan countryside, visits to slow villages, delicious healthy food and good wine…

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Forest Bathing Experience

Using the energising and healing power of trees, your SlowLife Forest Bathing Experience will awaken and reconnect you with your five senses, which we are often disconnected from, in our busy urban and virtual world.

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